Method: DELETE /advertiser/removeFromBlackList
Description: You can delete a specific traffic source from the BlackList of an advertising campaign created in your HilltopAds account.
Please note that there might be a delay of up to 1 hour for the BlackList to be updated.
name | description | example | comment |
key | A unique API key that you can generate in the API section of your HilltopAds account | nXzgO3Bc | This is a required parameter in the request. |
campaignID | Advertising campaign ID for which you need to remove a source from the BlackList. | 123456 | You can specify the ID of only one advertising campaign. This is a required parameter in the request. |
sourceID | Traffic source ID to be removed from the BlackList. | 789123 | To remove multiple sources, list them separated by commas. This is a required parameter in the request. |
Request Example:
To remove traffic sources with IDs 789123 and 789723 from the BlackList of the advertising campaign with ID 123456, you need to write the following request:,789723&campaignId=123456