Automatic Optimization of Blacklist zones in HilltopAds. Save you money and time!

Data is current as of 11/01/2022.

We are constantly working on the convenience and quality of our self-service platform and have launched another useful upgrade to optimize your ads.

This function is new and is still working at the request of a personal manager.

What is the benefit of the new feature?

Everything ingenious is simple! When launching an advertising campaign, it allows the advertiser to set up and automatically monitor and remove from advertising unsuitable traffic sources. Thus, the process of optimizing advertising costs is simplified.

How to set up Automatic Optimization?

Step 1. Write to your personal manager about access to the Automatic Optimization section.
Step 2. In the Manage Sites & Zones section, select the conditions under which the zone will automatically be added to the Black List, and thus, advertising in this zone will not be displayed.


Let's see the new feature in action.

Popunder Ad Automation.

Automatic Optimization allows you to exclude traffic sources from an advertising campaign by adding them to the Black List according to the following criteria:

  • Period — 1,2,3 days; 1.2 weeks; 1 month is the period during which we analyze the conditions for this zone.
    Example: Let's choose 1 week here.
  • Impressions — higher/less than the set number of impressions. Here you can specify how many impressions the zone should gain or, conversely, not gain in order to get into the Black list
    Example: Let's take as a basis here that the zone should gain more than 1000 impressions.
  • Spend — the amount, higher or less, that must be spent on this zone in dollars.
    Example: Let's assume that more than $100 should be spent on a zone.
  • Conversions — the number of conversions, also higher/less than the set number. Just an integer.
    Example: Let's take less than 2 conversions as an example.
  • еСРА — conversion cost, also higher/less, in dollars.
Thus, according to our example, if there are more than 1000 impressions in a zone in 1 week, more than $100 is spent, and only 2 conversions are received, HilltopAds will automatically add such a zone to the Black List and ads will no longer be shown in this zone.
The Auto Optimization section

Automation of In-Page and VAST/VPAID video ads.

For In-Page and Video ad formats, in addition to the conditions for the number of impressions, conversions, spend and eCPA, you can set the following:

  • Clicks — the threshold for the number of clicks.
  • CTR — an indicator of the clickability of this zone.
Please note that the Conversions and eCPA settings are available only after you set up the s2s integration.

Process automation is convenient and profitable. Try it and see for yourself!

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