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Full guide about prohibited ads
Full guide about prohibited ads

Which offers, landing pages, and creatives are prohibited and which are allowed.

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Written by HilltopAds
Updated over a week ago

The full Policy guide that will help you to understand the requirements for advertising at HilltopAds.

Please note, if your advertising campaigns violate any of the HilltopAds advertising rules, HilltopAds team reserves the right to immediately suspend advertising campaigns or block an account without refunding the left deposit.

Moderation process

After you create a new ad campaign, the QA department will moderate it within 2-3 business hours (for weekends this process might take more time) but not more than 24 hours.

The HilltopAds system constantly monitors advertising campaigns for compliance with the rules. The main 3 directions for monitoring the quality of advertising are:

  1. Direct domain in the Final destination URL and domains in subsequent redirects from the main URL.

  2. Types of offers.

  3. Pre-landing pages / Creatives / The final offer page / Landing page.

Advertisers need to follow the Rules of Work in all areas to work with HilltopAds. Below we described in detail what is allowed, and which prohibitions are worth paying attention to.

URL domains

The main requirement for your campaign domains is that they should not be marked as malicious and they should not be blocked by antiviruses and browsers.

To learn more, please check out the guide.

Types of offers

At HilltopAds, you can promote both mainstream and non-mainstream offers, products and services (such as dating, iGaming, OnlyFans, e-commerce, etc) in general that are not specified in the list of prohibited offers mentioned below.

To learn more what offer types we recommend you to test at HilltopAds, check out the guide.
You can also find the guide about offers that we do not recommend you to work with.

At HilltopAds, the following type of offers / categories are prohibited for promotion:

  • Malware, phishing or other harmful codes / software;

  • Fake virus, "scan alerts" or "technical support";

  • Collecting push notification subscribers;

  • Fake financial models and products;
    All financial offers must have legal documents about their activities on the main page of the offer site.

  • Fake blogs, news portals and websites;

  • Smartlinks, websites with redirects;

  • Marketing materials that are protected by copyright and trademark laws;

  • Fraud, unofficial, untrue, false, misleading, invented, re-produced information (i.e. facts, news, offers, solutions, guidelines);

  • Offensive, abusive or hate-mongering content;

  • Depicts illegal activities, promotes or depicts physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promotes or depicts any act of cruelty to animals;

  • Illegal, prescription, or recreational drugs;

  • Alcohol, tobacco.

This list is not limited. HilltopAds moderators have the right to reject a campaign at any time if campaign details are found to violate the rules

Pre-landing pages / Creatives / The final offer page / Landing page

At HilltopAds, you can work with Popunder, In-Page, Video and Banner ad formats. Each of the mentioned formats has specific requirements for its configuration (such as image size, video file format, etc).

Please check out our guides about each ad format:

The following rules apply to the Pre-landing pages / Creatives / The final offer page / Landing page.


  1. Landing pages must not contain typos, misleading images, empty pages, etc.

  2. Use of well-known brands (including but not limited to well-known messengers, social media brands, anti-virus software companies, applications, payment systems, sports brands, postal services, newspapers or their web-based editions, government of countries, public authorities etc.).
    - logos of famous brands (including buttons, arrows etc.)
    - brand names spelled wrong or with hidden letters.
    - statements that promoted offers are provided on behalf of the famous brand.
    - imitation of interfaces of well-known sites and companies.

  3. Use of celebrities’, famous peoples’ personal details and pictures.

  4. Automatic downloading (without click) for desktop and mobile.

  5. Imitation of system updates, notifications and messages from well-known browsers, operating systems or services.

  6. Use of scary statements about viruses, junk files, device problems etc, as well as landing pages that exploit browser weaknesses.

  7. Advertisements with no option to close.

  8. Landing pages collecting subscriptions by a cheating notification (misleading users into subscribing to offers by reloading or blocking the offer page).

  9. Imitation emails on behalf of well-known banks.

  10. Phishing messages about crediting or transferring funds.

  11. Phishing messages with statements about winning / receiving large and substantial gifts as well as phishing messages with the statements about the prize payment.

  12. Additional embedding of the back button on the offer page.

  13. Use of sexually provocative content.

  14. Use of shocking adult content.
    - child porn, zoo (animals) porn, rape, etc.
    - images of various human secretions (feces, urine, spit, snot, menstruation, or vomit).

  15. Use of any materials related to terrorism and weapons, violent and brutal videos and images.

  16. Promotion of any political parties or persons, calls for a violent overthrow of the state regime along with using these persons for advertising purposes.

  17. Promotion of brands which have been referred to as misleading, suspicious or fraudulent by respective authorities of the state.


  1. Use of good quality, understandable creative / landing pages.

  2. Ask users if they agree to download the promoted product.

  3. Use of statements about the potential winning or small prizes like coupons.
    For example: "You may win iPhone / money", "You won a coupon".

  4. Use of any information in creatives, texts and landing pages about possible viruses, potential threats, file damage etc., which can frighten users.
    For example: “A virus can/may damage”, “You may have viruses/problems/..”, "Scan completed", "Click here to fix".

  5. Use of Landing pages that users are able to close easily.

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