110% ROI erreichen: effektive Werbekampagnenstrategien für Non-Mainstream-Gaming in Frankreich

Geschrieben August 27, 2024 von

Usagi Mori

Think launching non-mainstream ads in the French GEO is a lost cause due to high competition? Think again! Today, we’re sharing a successful case study in the gaming vertical using HilltopAds non-mainstream traffic.

The gaming vertical offers a vast space for creativity and experimentation, packed with fun and engaging content! You can create a small interactive ad that will surely deliver a high CTR. However, it’s important to note that some offers convert only with official creatives.

As for non-mainstream affiliate programs, one clear advantage is the lack of a defined target audience — everyone visits non-mainstream sites. While levels of engagement, preferences, and financial capabilities differ from person to person, the fact remains that non-mainstream sites cater to a broad and diverse audience.

Wichtige Punkte

Angebot: Non-Mainstream Games
GEO: FR (France)
Verkehr: Nicht-Mainstream Hohe und mittlere Aktivität
Anzeigenformat: Popunder mobil
Zeitraum der Werbekampagne: 12 august – 18 august
Einnahmen: $4,410.13
ROI: 110%

About the ad format

When it comes to promoting non-mainstream games, Popunder advertising has proven to be a particularly effective tool. This effectiveness stems from the fact that these ads can be precisely targeted to the right audience. Users who are already engaged with the content are more likely to respond to such offers, leading to higher conversion rates.

Popunder ads for mobile traffic and tablets offer a seamless experience, as they do not disrupt the user’s current session. Instead, they capture attention just as the user finishes viewing the primary content, making this format ideal for promoting non-mainstream games. This approach allows for effective and unobtrusive conversion generation.

You can find more detailed information about this format in our blog article:

How to create a Popunder ad campaign?
And what is a Popunder ad format?

Wo soll man anfangen?

Let’s look at the first step: how to attract users who are searching for non-mainstream content and redirect them to a site offering paid mobile games.

There are two types of audiences:

  1. Organic audience – people who are already searching for non-mainstream games through search engines. This is their targeted query.
  2. Paid audience – users who visit sites to relax and enjoy non-mainstream content.

For these groups, it is crucial to use long landing pages to divert their attention from their initial intent. A creative approach is key here: the landing pages can be unique or specific, as long as they are effective. The goal is to make users forget about free content and want to spend money on non-mainstream games.

Our tests confirm that the longer the landing page, the higher the proportion of cards with sufficient funds to pay for the game. In contrast, shorter pages lead to a higher number of cards with minimal amounts, less than $1.


We chose France as a GEO not by chance. French men have heightened libido. They start their workweek by watching non-mainstream content—and this is not a myth.

The average age of men in France is increasing and now stands at 42 years, indicating an aging population. However, this does not mean they are not interested in non-mainstream games. On the contrary, they might want to relax on weekends.

It’s also worth noting that a staggering 82% of Pornhub traffic comes from smartphones.

95% of the Nicht-Mainstream segment audience is male. Does this mean there are no women at all?
No, it does not mean that women are completely absent from this segment. However, working with female traffic in the non-mainstream niche is more challenging. For example, women are generally not interested in non-mainstream games, webcam services, and other products, which are mostly purchased by men. Women are more receptive to dating offers, but this also depends on the geo and purchasing power of the audience. For example, offering such offers in Eastern countries is pointless for obvious reasons.

Now we will show you the campaign settings in more detail ↓

Settings of the ad campaign and its Optimization at HilltopAds

Bevor Sie eine Werbekampagne auf HilltopAds starten können, müssen Sie sich als Werbetreibender registrieren. Sie können sich registrieren über dieser Link.

Um eine Werbekampagne zu erstellen, müssen Sie Folgendes tun:

  • Gehen Sie zum Kampagnen verwalten Abschnitt
  • Klicken Sie auf die Kampagne hinzufügen Taste
  • Wählen Sie im Bereich Kampagnenerstellung die Option Popunder mobil Anzeigenformat
  • In der Verkehrskanäle Abschnitt, wählen Sie Nicht-Mainstream Hohe und mittlere Aktivität
Die Einstellungen der Werbekampagne

Als Nächstes ist es wichtig, das Postback einzurichten, um die Ergebnisse Ihrer Anzeigenkampagne zu verfolgen.

Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Arbeit mit Postback und den verfügbaren Platzhaltern finden Sie in unserem Leitfaden.

Wie kann man die Effizienz der Werbekampagnen in HilltopAds erkennen?
Für einen Werbetreibenden, der eine Werbekampagne startet, ist es heute wichtig, deren Effizienz schnell und zuverlässig zu bewerten, um Zeit- und Geldverschwendung zu vermeiden. HilltopAds bietet Werbetreibenden die Möglichkeit, eine moderne Methode zur Verfolgung von Konversionen durch eine Postback-URL zu nutzen.

Einfach ausgedrückt, müssen wir für die endgültige URL des Angebots Parameter für die Übergabe von Conversions und Quell-IDs einfügen. Der Parameter für die Übergabe von Konversionen ist click_id, und die Quell-ID ist zone_id.

Infolgedessen ist unser Endziel-URL sollte folgendermaßen aussehen:


  • {{ctoken}} - HilltopAds-Parameter zur Übergabe von Konvertierungen.
  • {{zoneid}} - HilltopAds-Parameter zur Übergabe der Quell-ID.

Im Allgemeinen können Sie absolut jeden Parameter aus den verfügbaren Optionen hinzufügen, der für die weitere Analyse der Kampagne erforderlich ist. Denken Sie jedoch daran, dass es wichtig ist, die klick_id Parameter in der endgültigen Verknüpfung, um Konvertierungen zu übergeben.

Als nächstes legen wir die notwendigen Targeting-Einstellungen:

  • GEO – FR (France)
  • Gerät – mobile/tablet
Die Einstellungen der Werbekampagne

Sie können auch Kampagnenfilter konfigurieren und Folgendes zulassen/verweigern Proxy und WebView traffic from the campaign. However, in our case, for the Non-Mainstream Games offer, we have included webview traffic:

  • Vollmacht - nicht zulassen
  • WebView - erlauben

WebView ist eine Software, die eine Landing Page mit einem Angebot innerhalb einer mobilen Anwendung öffnet. Mit anderen Worten: Beim Öffnen der Anwendung werden die Nutzer auf eine einseitige Website mit dem Angebot geleitet.

Die Werbekampagne filtert

You can set limits according to your daily and overall advertising budget, but the daily limit should not be less than $20. For our testing phase, we decided to set a daily campaign limit of $300 for all days.

Daily limit of the advertising campaign budget

If necessary, you can also set display schedules. The final step before launching the ad is to set the cost per thousand impressions (CPM). Here, we pay attention to the Traffic Volumes graph in the top left corner, which calculates premium, minimum, and recommended CPM rates.

We started the ad campaign with a bid of $1.95, slightly above the recommended CPM price.

Our advice: to test a new offer, start with the recommended CPM. This will show whether the offer is effective and whether the campaign needs optimization

CPM rates

So, the key settings of the advertising campaign are as follows:

Ad format – Popunder mobile
Verkehrskanäle – Non-Mainstream High and Medium Activity
Geo – FR
Gerät – mobile/tablet
CPM rate – $1.95

Black List and Intermediate results

We chose not to use auto-optimization for this ad campaign, preferring manual adjustments instead. We created a BlackList by identifying zones in the tracker where the cost per conversion significantly exceeded $1.50 or where there were no conversions at all after 2,000 impressions. This hands-on approach allowed us to effectively eliminate underperforming segments and optimize our results.

Despite a daily budget of $300, these adjustments allowed us to achieve better conversion rates and overall campaign performance.

Zone statistics from all time in the Voluum tracker


After carefully tuning the advertising campaign for 7 days, we achieved the following results:

  • Total Costs (Spent) – $2,100
  • Total Earnings (Profit) – $4,410.13
  • ROI (Return on Investment) – 110%
The statistics for 7 days

ROI is one of the key indicators in digital marketing that allows you to assess the profitability of an advertising campaign. In simple terms, ROI shows you the percentage of advertising investments that you have managed to recover through earnings from the ads.

The formula for calculating ROI is:
ROI = (total earnings – total cost) / total cost * 100%

In this case, the return on investment is 110%.

Net Profit

The net profit derived from the Non-Mainstream Games offer launched on the HilltopAds platform illustrates compelling return on investment. With a total revenue of $4,410.13 and advertising expenses amounting to $2,100, the campaign yielded a net profit of $2,310.13.

This emphasizes the effectiveness of the HilltopAds advertising network as a valuable platform for promoting offers such as Non-Mainstream Games in Tier-1 countries.


This case study highlights the potential of non-mainstream advertising in the highly competitive French GEO, specifically within the gaming vertical.

Key takeaways include the use of popunder ads, which are particularly effective for mobile traffic and tablets. These ads capitalize on user engagement without disrupting their browsing experience, leading to higher conversion rates. The campaign, which ran from August 12 to August 18, 2024, yielded a significant ROI of 110%, generating $4,410.13 in revenue against a $2,100 ad spend.

The strategic choice of France as the target GEO, due to its receptive demographic, further underscored the importance of understanding audience behavior and preferences. Despite the challenges posed by high competition, the campaign’s success was driven by precise targeting, creative landings, and proving that non-mainstream ads can indeed thrive in saturated markets.

Ultimately, this case serves as a powerful example of how thoughtful campaign design and execution can turn a challenging market into a lucrative opportunity, particularly in the non-mainstream gaming sector.

As always, we’re delighted to offer you a promo code: ADGAMES. Just enter it when you make your first deposit of $100 or more at HilltopAds and you’ll get an additional +10% bonus.

We hope this case study was helpful to you. If so, why not register with HilltopAds and start earning profits today?
