Herramientas para anunciantes

Discover essential promotion tools on HilltopAds blog: explore key tools and strategies for advertisers to optimize campaigns and achieve high ROI.

Comparación exhaustiva de las principales herramientas de seguimiento de afiliados
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Comparación exhaustiva de las principales herramientas de seguimiento de afiliados

07 de julio de 2023

# Guías de retroceso# Herramientas para anunciantes
Affiliate tracking tools have revolutionized the way marketers manage and optimize their advertising campaigns. In this article, we’ll delve into the features, benefits, and drawbacks of some popular tracking tools to help you make an informed decision. Let’s compare all of the trackers that HilltopAds supports, like Bemob, Keitaro, AdsBridge,…
Objetivo CPA: Guía completa de las licitaciones de coste por adquisición
Marketing de afiliación

Objetivo CPA: Guía completa de las licitaciones de coste por adquisición

05 de mayo de 2023

# Herramientas para anunciantes
This powerful approach allows advertisers to set a specific cost threshold for acquiring a customer or conversion, leveraging the capabilities of automated bidding algorithms. In this article, we will discuss its benefits, implementation strategies, and how it can revolutionize your advertising campaigns. Definition What is target CPA? It is a…
Marzo 2023: Anuncios de vídeo por CPC, Vídeo Slider, Estadísticas ampliadas
Plataforma publicitaria

Marzo 2023: Anuncios de vídeo por CPC, Vídeo Slider, Estadísticas ampliadas

03 de marzo de 2023

# HilltopAds Actualizaciones# Herramientas para anunciantes
This is our quarterly article with TOP HilltopAds updates for advertisers and publishers, which will make your work even more profitable and convenient. Udates for advertisers. Targeting by apps Now to run your ads on Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Baidu and other well-known applications, you just need to go to your…