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S2S Popunder Integration with HilltopAds
S2S Popunder Integration with HilltopAds

Everything about S2S Popunder script for publishers.

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Written by HilltopAds
Updated over a month ago

For publishers seeking optimal monetization strategies, integrating with the right ad technology is crucial. Among the various methods available for Pops ad zones, the Server-to-Server (S2S) Integration method stands out as the most profitable and efficient. This article explores the advantages of S2S integration, explains how it works, and provides a step-by-step guide to implementing it on your website to monetize traffic.

What Makes S2S Integration the Best Choice?

S2S integration, also known as a PHP-based server-to-server postback code, outperforms other methods such as direct URLs, JavaScript codes, or Popunder scripts with Anti-AdBlock. Here’s why:

  1. Seamless Automation

    • The advertising delivery domain updates automatically through the API, removing the need for manual adjustments.

  2. Enhanced Audience Reach

    • S2S integration effectively targets the entire website audience, even bypassing ad-blocking tools.

  3. Improved User Trust

    • Ads delivered via S2S scripts avoid triggering warnings about harmful content, fostering audience loyalty.

  4. Increased Website Safety

    • Websites using S2S scripts stay off Google blacklists and avoid detection by other security services, ensuring uninterrupted operation.

With these benefits, S2S integration maximizes profit potential for HilltopAds publishers.

In general, at HilltopAds you can use these Popunder codes:

  • Direct URL (DirectLink) - is a good choice for social traffic monetization or for websites created on a CMS platform.

  • HTML JS code without AdBlock - is a good choice for site owners with mostly mobile traffic.

  • HTML JS code with AdBlock - is ideal for those whose traffic is mainly desktop, it helps to overcome AdBlocks for desktop visitors even more effectively.

How Does S2S Integration Work?

The S2S integration method uses a PHP script with a dynamic advertising domain called the Delivery Domain. Here’s how it operates:

  1. Dynamic Domain Management

    • Once installed, the script communicates with the HilltopAds API to retrieve a delivery domain and store it in a temporary file.

    • If the stored domain becomes outdated (older than 5 minutes), the script requests a new one from the API.

  2. Ad Display Optimization

    • Ads are displayed to users who don’t have systems actively blocking the delivery domain.

    • Each subsequent API call fetches a new, clean delivery domain, ensuring uninterrupted ad delivery.

Avoid modifying the S2S script, as this could disrupt its functionality.

When Should You Switch a Delivery Domain?

HilltopAds employs strict criteria for domain changes to maintain ad visibility and minimize interference. A delivery domain should be switched when:

  • It’s detected by tools like adblock, ublock, gsb, eset, kaspersky, adguard, adx, webrisk, yandex safebrowsing.

  • Five or more antivirus programs flag it in VirusTotal scans.

Sensitive Domains for Advanced Protection

Publishers can request S2S sensitive domains from their account manager. These domains follow stricter criteria, requiring detection by just one antivirus in VirusTotal for a domain change.

How to Integrate HilltopAds S2S Code

Follow these steps to implement the HilltopAds S2S postback code on your website:

Step 1: Get the S2S Script

  • Log in to your HilltopAds publisher account.

  • Navigate to Manage Sites and Zones, select Add Zone, and choose the Popunder format.

Pay attention: the Add Zone button is available only for verified websites. Check out the guide to learn more about website verification.

  • Download the S2S script labeled “Popunder Server-to-Server Anti-AdBlock”.

Step 2: Upload the PHP File

  • Save the downloaded file with a unique name and upload it to the root directory of your website.

Step 3: Embed the Script

  • Insert the S2S script into your website’s code. Rename the placeholder file.php to the unique name you used in Step 2.

Automated Operation

Once installed, the S2S script functions automatically, requiring no further action from the publisher.

Manual Domain Requests

If needed, publishers can manually request a new delivery domain via the API using the GET /publisher/antiAdBlock method.


HilltopAds’ S2S integration is a reliable tool for publishers aiming to maximize ad revenue while maintaining website integrity and audience trust. Its automated domain management, enhanced audience reach, and seamless setup make it the ideal choice for Popunder ad zones.

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