How to get Statistics?


Please be informed, the Statistics are updated every 15-20 minutes by UTC.

Statistics is a powerful tool that helps publishers analize their sold traffic based on different parameters such as GEO, ad format, browser and so on.

To get statistics, please do the following:

  1. Go to the Statistics section of your HilltopAds account;
  2. Choose the necessary parameters to get results;
  3. Click on the Get statistics button.

Also you can Export results in a CSV or CSV for Excel format.

What parameters are available?

  • Format is an advertising format that you use to monetize a website.
  • Site is all your added sites.
  • Zone is a list of all created zones in your account. You can choose one or several zones.
To know an ID of a zone, please navigate to the Manage Site & Zones section and check IDs under the name of the created zones.
  • Country is a list of all countries from where your traffic was sold.
  • Grouping is a parameter by which the final results should be grouped. You can group results by Date, Site ID, Zone, SubID1, Format, GEO, Device, Browser, Browser + its Version, OS, OS + its version, Language, Uniqueness for format and Connection type.
    Uniqueness for format is a parameter that is showing unique impressions. By default the statistics will be grouped by Date. In such a case you will see in general a number of impressions, CPM rates and revenue.
  • Date period is a time for which you want to check the statistics.