Menjalankan penawaran Kencan di HilltopAds: ROI 102.41%

Tertulis Maret 12, 2024 oleh

Usagi Mori

Hi there!!
In this case study, we will recount our experiences promoting CPA Dating offer using CPM traffic and the notable successes we attained with HilltopAds.

Poin-poin penting dari studi kasus

Penawaran: Kencan
Sumber lalu lintas: HilltopAds
Format Iklan: Ponsel Popunder
Periode kampanye iklan: 21 – 25 February
GEO: CA (Canada)
OS: Android dan iOS
Saluran Lalu Lintas: Non-mainstream High and Medium Activity
Pengeluaran: $1,812.6
Konversi: 2,929
Penghasilan: $3,669
ROI: 102.41%

Dating vertical is undoubtedly considered a “evergreen” niche, the relevance of which increases every year. The case you are about to study will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of how ready you are to take on the challenges of this niche and how well it aligns with your ambitions and goals.


For starters, we chose high and medium activity users and CPM as a payout model, since the Popunder ad format is CPM-based. It seemed to us that this was the best format for our offer since there is no need to prepare special creatives. Only landing pages are needed to launch the campaign. The learning process is also simple, there is no need to test a huge number of variables to obtain data for optimization.

Also we targeted a mobile-only on the iOS and Android operating systems.

How about GEO?

First and foremost, we needed to determine the GEO. Canada is an excellent GEO for earning in the dating niche. This country is classified as TIER-1, however, if you take a look at any spy-service, it becomes clear that dating traffic is not eagerly targeted here. And that’s a mistake.

Let’s move on to the bare statistics:

  • There are nearly 37 million internet users in Canada. According to analysts, by 2024, the country’s online audience could reach approximately 40.44 million people, covering 103.8% of the population.
  • Furthermore, statistics show that over time, there has been a steady increase in the number of single people in Canada. This has an impact on the aforementioned industry, and the presented GEO ranks 6th in popularity for dating traffic.
  • Let’s not forget that Canada is a country of open-mindedness, so you can confidently suggest offers from the gay dating category to your audience.

Of course, if there are any required countries for a CPA offer, you need to follow them.

Now we will show you the campaign settings in more detail ↓

Pengaturan kampanye iklan dan Pengoptimalannya di HilltopAds

Sebelum meluncurkan kampanye iklan di HilltopAds, Anda harus mendaftar sebagai pengiklan. Anda dapat mendaftar menggunakan tautan ini.

Selanjutnya, untuk membuat kampanye iklan, Anda perlu melakukannya:

  • Pergi ke halaman Mengelola Kampanye bagian
  • Klik tombol Tambahkan Kampanye tombol
  • Di bagian pembuatan kampanye, pilih opsi Ponsel Popunder format iklan
  • Di dalam Saluran Lalu Lintas bagian, pilih non-mainstream high and medium activity
Pengaturan kampanye iklan

Selanjutnya, penting untuk menyiapkan Postback untuk melacak hasil kampanye iklan Anda.

Untuk penjelasan rinci mengenai cara bekerja dengan Postback dan placeholder yang tersedia, bacalah panduan kami.

Bagaimana cara mendeteksi efisiensi kampanye iklan di HilltopAds?
Saat ini, bagi pengiklan yang meluncurkan kampanye iklan, penting untuk mengevaluasi efisiensinya dengan cepat dan andal untuk menghindari pemborosan waktu dan uang. HilltopAds memberi pengiklan kesempatan untuk menggunakan metode modern untuk melacak konversi melalui URL postback.

Secara sederhana, untuk URL akhir penawaran, kita perlu memasukkan parameter untuk melewatkan konversi dan ID sumber. Parameter untuk melewatkan konversi adalah click_id, dan ID sumber adalah zone_id.

Sebagai hasilnya, kami URL Tujuan Akhir akan terlihat seperti ini:{{ctoken}}&s1={{zoneid}}

  • {{ctoken}} - Parameter HilltopAds untuk melewatkan konversi.
  • {{zoneid}} - Parameter HilltopAds untuk melewatkan ID sumber.

Secara umum, Anda dapat menambahkan parameter apa pun dari opsi yang tersedia yang diperlukan untuk analisis kampanye lebih lanjut. Namun, ingatlah bahwa sangat penting untuk menyertakan parameter click_id di tautan akhir untuk meloloskan konversi.

Selanjutnya, kami menentukan frekuensi iklan per pengguna - 1 tampilan dalam 24 jam. Dan kami menetapkan yang diperlukan pengaturan penargetan:

  • GEO – CA (Canada)
  • OS - Android dan iOS
Pengaturan kampanye iklan

If needed, you can also set campaign limits or display schedules. The final step before launching the ad is to specify the cost per thousand impressions (CPM). Here, we pay attention to the Volume Lalu Lintas graph in the top right corner, which calculates premium, minimum, and recommended CPM rates.

We initiated the ad campaign with a bid of $1.7, based on the provided recommended CPM price.

Our advice: to test a new offer, start with the recommended CPM. This will show whether the offer is effective and whether the campaign needs optimization.

Volume Lalu Lintas
Tarif CPM

Jadi, pengaturan utama kampanye iklan adalah sebagai berikut:

Format iklan - Ponsel Popunder
Saluran Lalu Lintas – Non-mainstream High and Medium Activity
Pembatasan frekuensi - 1 tampilan per 24 jam
Geo – CA
OS - Android dan iOS
Tingkat CPM – $1.7

How about the results?

Yeah, we hear you! Here it is:

During the first 2 days of running the ad, we got a total of 1,035 conversions. We spent $710.7 and earned $1,503.16.

The ad campaign statistics for the first 2 days at HilltopAds

Throughout the entire campaign, we did not optimize it once and continued to run it with the same parameters as at the initial launch.

Hasil Akhir dan Area untuk Perbaikan

Over the course of the full 5 days of running the advertising campaign using the Dating offer, the following metrics were achieved:

The ad campaign statistics for the 5 days at HilltopAds
Advertiser statistics

Total Konversi – 2,929
Total Biaya (Pendapatan) – $1,812.6
Total Pendapatan (Laba) – $3,669
ROI (Pengembalian Investasi) – 102.41%

ROI adalah salah satu indikator utama dalam pemasaran digital yang memungkinkan Anda menilai profitabilitas kampanye iklan. Secara sederhana, ROI menunjukkan kepada Anda persentase investasi iklan yang telah berhasil Anda pulihkan melalui penghasilan dari iklan.

Rumus untuk menghitung ROI adalah:
ROI = (total pendapatan - total biaya) / total biaya * 100%

In this case, the return on investment is 102.41%.

Total earnings

Net Profit

Anyway, the net profit was $1,856.4 (after taking away $1,812.6 from the $3,669 since we had to pay for traffic).

Thus, the campaign demonstrated a good return on investment – 102.41%, confirming a rather successful combination of the Dating offer with traffic from the HilltopAds advertising network.

This was an interesting and small experiment that we plan to replicate with other offers and advertising formats. However, don’t simply replicate everything as you may not achieve the same results. It’s important to find your unique combination and work on campaign optimization.


Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang tinggi, kami sarankan Anda melakukan hal berikut:

  • Use a bright and easy for understanding pre-landing page;
  • Betting on mobile traffic, its volume, and conversions are significantly higher;
  • The dating vertical is perfect for getting started in affiliate marketing;
  • Do not forget to optimise your ad campaigns by editing BlackList and setting up an Auto Optimization tool;
  • HilltopAds has a large volume of traffic, and its quality is one of the reasons to continue working with us.

But wait, there’s more! We have a pleasant and motivating bonus for you.
Use promo code HTDATING to top up your first deposit of $100 or more on HilltopAds, and you’ll receive an additional +10% bonus.

We hope you found this thematic study useful. If so, register with HilltopAds and start making money!
