비주류 데이트 오퍼에 HilltopAds Popunder 트래픽을 사용하여 183% ROI 달성하기

서면 6월 28, 2024 by

우사기 모리

Hi there! Today we will talk about launching an offer in the Non-Mainstream Dating vertical.

Dating offers are affiliate programs that pay for each user who registers on a dating site. This vertical is suitable for both experienced and novice media buyers. There are no sharp fluctuations in demand, and the number of available offers and the audience interested in dating products is constantly growing.

We decided to target traffic to Germany, which is a profitable GEO. The reason is that Germany has a high engagement rate in the dating industry.

Dating effectively taps into basic human instincts, as the desire not to be alone is one of our fundamental needs. People visit dating sites to find romantic partners, socialize, or simply pass the time.

So, let’s explore how to most effectively drive traffic to Non-Mainstream Dating offers and maximize profits in this vertical. We will examine various methods and strategies that will help you achieve the best results, as well as share valuable tips from HilltopAds managers and practical recommendations for successfully launching your ad campaigns!

핵심 포인트

Offer: 비주류 데이트
GEO: DE (Germany)
트래픽: 비주류 고등 및 중간 활동
광고 형식: Popunder 모바일
광고 캠페인 기간: 3 June – 11 June
수익: $6,792.84
ROI: 183%

A bit about the vertical

Millions of internet users are ready to join non-mainstream dating sites because, let’s face it, millions of people are looking for relationships with continuation 👀. Not to mention millions of aroused individuals. Sure, looking at pictures of hot models is nice, but personal contact is much better. And that’s exactly what non-mainstream dating sites offer.

In 2014, Internet users spent half a billion dollars on services provided by online non-mainstream dating sites. Although current figures are not much higher, it’s safe to say that overall metrics have grown since then. Non-mainstream content still commands a significant share of web revenue, and it would be foolish to ignore the audience of non-mainstream dating sites.

Two markets are developing in parallel to each other. Single individuals seek love and intimacy, and when they cannot find love, they turn to explicit content. As is often the case, after watching explicit content, a person still feels lonely, and the cycle continues. Therefore, non-mainstream dating sites provide an opportunity to connect with people who have similar goals and interests.

If you are planning to promote a non-mainstream offer, there is no more logical path than transitioning from explicit content to dating. These niches are interconnected. Non-mainstream dating sites have a long-term track record of success, and the opportunity for face-to-face meetings is what drives this success!

Why should you launch ad campaigns on Non-mainstream Dating offers?

Here are several compelling reasons why you might choose to promote Non-Mainstream Dating offers:

  • Wide audience. Non-mainstream dating offers typically resonate with a broader audience compared to other non-mainstream verticals. Millions of people worldwide are interested in intimate relationships and closeness. For instance, at the peak of the pandemic, specifically on March 29, 2020, Tinder alone recorded over 3 billion swipes per day.
  • High demand and engagement. Many offers promote platforms that encourage users to engage in conversations and build deep connections, which can lead to increased customer engagement and long-term user retention.
  • Emerging niche. The non-mainstream dating industry is constantly evolving with the emergence of new platforms, features, and technologies. In response to this, offers are also adapting, keeping their marketing strategies fresh and appealing.
  • Non-binding free registration. Most dating sites offer free basic membership to everyone who signs up via email. Benefits of the basic free membership on dating sites include the ability to view profiles, create and publish a biography, and contact potential partners, albeit on a limited basis, among other features. Taking advantage of the free period, participants gladly upgrade to a paid membership to access the site’s full range of functionalities. Over time, this can lead to decent commissions and earnings from the offer.
  • Paying audience. Every person who clicks on an erotic-themed creative wants to satisfy their physiological needs and is therefore willing to pay to fulfill their desires. There is no place for schoolchildren and teenagers here.


Dating offers can be divided into two major categories: finding a long-term partner and short-term hookups with a pleasant continuation. In the first case, creatives are selected to be more “light” without explicit content or vulgarity. In the second category, aggressive and explicit creatives are your best friends. We work with the second category, so we can afford to be imaginative and use provocative material, but within the bounds of decency!

For this offer, we decided to drive traffic to a popunder, as this format has no additional conditions. There’s no need to worry about creatives or forcing users to subscribe to something — conversion is just one step away.

For non-mainstream dating, you can use both pre-landers and landing pages as creatives. Pre-landers usually engage the user, often using pages with calls to “rate the girl” or warnings about the uniqueness of the site. The landing page contains the registration fields for the service.

And remember the main thing — be honest with your audience and don’t promise what you can’t deliver. Many affiliate marketers strive to get more leads, but this often leads to poor results: conversion rates drop and the risk of getting banned by the advertising network increases.

Next, let’s consider the GEO.


Germany is a Tier-1 country with a highly affluent audience, which also has its own challenges and “pain points.” Furthermore, it has a diverse demographic profile with high disposable incomes, and German men are inclined towards explicit entertainment and seeking women from around the world through online dating sites.

Regarding internet behaviour statistics in Germany:

  • 66% of all users prefer mobile devices for internet surfing.
  • Men spend 40% more time online than women.
  • The adult population of Germany (40 years and older) has a very favorable attitude towards non-mainstream advertising, so you can get creative and use bolder ads, as Germans appreciate it.

If we talk about the challenges and characteristics of German users:

  • One-third of marriages end in divorce.
  • In a social survey conducted among men aged 30 to 45, more than 60% of respondents stated that they visit dating sites at least once a month, and 29% of them admitted they are looking for a one-night stand.

It’s also important to note that working with Germany is worthwhile if you have a substantial budget. If the budget for the campaign is small, in the range of a few hundred dollars, it is better to choose countries with lower non-mainstream traffic. Specifically, Denmark, Brazil, Spain, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Singapore, etc.

이제 캠페인 설정을 더 자세히 보여드리겠습니다.

광고 캠페인 설정 및 HilltopAds에서의 최적화

HilltopAds에서 광고 캠페인을 시작하기 전에 광고주로 등록해야 합니다. 다음을 사용하여 등록할 수 있습니다. 이 링크.

다음으로 광고 캠페인을 만들려면 다음을 수행해야 합니다:

  • 로 이동합니다. 캠페인 관리 섹션
  • 를 클릭합니다. 캠페인 추가 버튼
  • 캠페인 생성 섹션에서 Popunder 모바일 광고 형식
  • 에서 트래픽 채널 섹션에서 비주류 하이 및 미디엄 활동
광고 캠페인 설정

다음으로, 광고 캠페인의 결과를 추적하기 위해 Postback를 설정하는 것이 중요합니다.

Postback 작업 및 사용 가능한 자리 표시자에 대한 자세한 설명은 가이드를 참조하세요.

HilltopAds에서 광고 캠페인 효율을 감지하는 방법은 무엇인가요?
오늘날 광고 캠페인을 시작하는 광고주에게는 시간과 비용 낭비를 피하기 위해 광고 캠페인의 효율성을 신속하고 안정적으로 평가하는 것이 중요합니다. HilltopAds는 광고주에게 postback URL을 통해 전환을 추적하는 최신 방법을 사용할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

간단히 말해서 오퍼의 최종 URL에 전환과 소스 ID를 전달하기 위한 매개 변수를 삽입해야 합니다. 전환을 전달하는 파라미터는 click_id이고, 소스 ID는 zone_id입니다.

그 결과 최종 목적지 URL 는 다음과 같이 표시되어야 합니다:


  • {{ctoken}} - HilltopAds 매개변수를 사용하여 전환을 전달합니다.
  • {{zoneid}} - HilltopAds 매개변수를 사용하여 소스 ID를 전달합니다.

일반적으로 추가 캠페인 분석에 필요한 매개변수는 사용 가능한 옵션에서 무엇이든 추가할 수 있습니다. 하지만, 반드시 필수적으로 click_id 매개변수를 최종 링크에 추가하여 전환을 전달합니다.

다음으로, 필요한 타겟팅 설정:

  • GEO – DE (Germany)
  • 언어 – German
  • 장치 – mobile/tablet
  • Interests – OnlyFans, dating
광고 캠페인 설정

In the advertising campaign, you can add targeting by interests such as dating and OnlyFans. This allows you to reach a wide audience interested in intimate dating and non-mainstream content.

However, if the offer is aimed at dating with local women, you should additionally add interests based on nationalities. For example: Asian, African, Bokep, Latina, etc. This will help fine-tune your targeting and attract an audience looking for dating with specific ethnic groups. It all depends on the region where the traffic is directed and the preferences of the target audience.

캠페인 필터를 구성하고 허용/불허할 수도 있습니다. Proxy 및 WebView traffic from the campaign. However, in our case, for the Utilities offer, we have included webview traffic:

  • Proxy - 불허
  • WebView - 허용

WebView는 모바일 애플리케이션 내에서 오퍼가 있는 랜딩 페이지를 열어주는 소프트웨어입니다. 즉, 애플리케이션을 열면 사용자가 오퍼가 있는 단일 페이지 웹사이트로 이동합니다.

You can set limits based on your daily and overall advertising budget. However, the daily limit should not be less than $20.

During the first 3 days of testing, we decided to set a daily campaign limit of $200:

Daily limit of the advertising campaign budget

필요한 경우 캠페인 한도 또는 표시 일정을 설정할 수도 있습니다. 광고를 시작하기 전 마지막 단계는 1,000회 노출당 비용을 지정하는 것입니다(CPM). 여기서는 트래픽 볼륨 graph in the top left corner, which calculates premium, minimum, and recommended CPM rates.

광고 캠페인을 시작했습니다. with a bid of $2.13제공된 CPM 권장 가격을 기준으로 합니다.

새 오퍼를 테스트하려면 권장되는 CPM로 시작하세요. 이를 통해 오퍼가 효과적인지, 캠페인에 최적화가 필요한지 여부를 확인할 수 있습니다.

따라서 광고 캠페인의 주요 설정은 다음과 같습니다:

광고 형식 - Popunder 모바일
트래픽 채널 – Non-Mainstream High and Medium Activity
지리적 – DE
장치 – mobile/tablet
CPM 요금 – $2.13

Optimization and intermediate results

We applied the Automatic Optimization tool from the first day of the campaign launch, selecting a 48 hour period and an eCPA of no more than $2.3.

To learn more about the capabilities of automatic optimization with HilltopAds, you can check out the article on the website.

Automatic Optimization of Blacklist zones in HilltopAds.
HilltopAds added new feature — Automatic Optimization of Blacklist zones. It automatically optimizes traffic sources and adds unsuitable ones to the Black List.

Auto Optimization is a tool for automatically adding non-performing traffic sources. Thanks to this feature, the HilltopAds system removes non-profit sources from your advertising campaign and adds them to the BlackList.

After 3 days of testing the advertising campaign, we decided to increase the limits because the campaign was successfully optimized and we can now expand the reach to achieve better results. We hit the current limits, and since there were no significant downsides in the zones, and we needed more traffic, the limits were increased.

So, the daily budget was increased to $300. Notably, when we increased the daily budget, the effective cost per action (eCPA) became cheaper, and this also led to a reduction in costs per conversion.


After carefully tuning the advertising campaign for 9 days, we achieved the following results:

  • Total Costs (Spent) – $2,400
  • 총 수익(이익) – $6,792.84
  • ROI(투자 수익률) – 183%

ROI는 광고 캠페인의 수익성을 평가할 수 있는 디지털 마케팅의 핵심 지표 중 하나입니다. 간단히 말해, ROI는 광고 수익을 통해 회수한 광고 투자금의 비율을 보여줍니다.

ROI를 계산하는 공식은 다음과 같습니다:
ROI = (총 수입 - 총 비용) / 총 비용 * 100%

이 경우 투자 수익은 다음과 같습니다. 183%.


The net profit derived from the Non-Mainstream Dating offer launched on the HilltopAds platform illustrates compelling return on investment. With a total revenue of $6,792.84 and advertising expenses amounting to $640, the campaign yielded a net profit of $4,392.84.

This emphasizes the effectiveness of the HilltopAds advertising network as a valuable platform for promoting offers such as Non-Mainstream Dating in Tier-1 countries.


Here are some tips and a conclusion for launching Non-Mainstream Dating offer advertising in German:

  • Creative Strategy: Given that German users appreciate bold and provocative content, consider using aggressive and explicit creatives that resonate with the non-mainstream dating niche. Ensure your creatives are attention-grabbing but within acceptable limits.
  • 광고 형식: Opt for popunder ads as they are effective without additional user commitments like subscriptions. This format ensures a straightforward path to conversion with minimal user friction.
  • Campaign Budget: Allocate a substantial daily budget to effectively scale your campaign. Based on successful optimization and initial results, increasing the budget can lead to lower effective cost per action (eCPA) and higher overall ROI.
  • Compliance and Honesty: Always ensure your ads comply with local regulations and advertising standards. Be transparent with your audience about the offer’s benefits and avoid misleading claims to maintain trust and improve conversion rates.

By following these recommendations, you can effectively set up and optimize your advertising campaign for non-mainstream dating, particularly in attractive GEOs like Germany.

As always, we’re delighted to offer you a promo code: DATING10 Just enter it when you make your first deposit of $100 or more at HilltopAds and you’ll get an additional +10% bonus.

We hope this case study was helpful to you. If so, why not register with HilltopAds and start earning profits today?
