विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण

Discover essential promotion tools on HilltopAds blog: explore key tools and strategies for advertisers to optimize campaigns and achieve high ROI.

Make the Most of Your Web Tracking: 11 Best Google Analytics Alternatives

Make the Most of Your Web Tracking: 11 Best Google Analytics Alternatives

अगस्त 08, 2024

# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
Google Analytics is no doubt the mastodon of tracking and measuring the advertising ROI of websites — according to the latest statistics, more than 50 million websites use Google Analytics to monitor their digital marketing efforts in 2024. Still, experienced digital marketers and affiliates often switch from Google Analytics to…
CPA का लक्ष्य HilltopAds पर: कम खर्च करें, ज़्यादा कमाएँ। 2024 की नई विज्ञापन सुविधा
विज्ञापन प्लेटफ़ॉर्म

CPA का लक्ष्य HilltopAds पर: कम खर्च करें, ज़्यादा कमाएँ। 2024 की नई विज्ञापन सुविधा

जून 06, 2024

# हिलटॉपएड्स अपडेट# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
At HilltopAds, there are a lot of helpful tools for advertisers to help them make high profit: Interests-based and keywords targeting. Automatic Optimization. Traffic segmentation… And much more. And today we are ready to announce our new incredible feature that will change your advertising experience: CPA Goal. In this article,…
Introducing our new feature – Targeting by Interests on the HilltopAds platform!
विज्ञापन प्लेटफ़ॉर्म

Introducing our new feature – Targeting by Interests on the HilltopAds platform!

अप्रैल 04, 2024

# हिलटॉपएड्स अपडेट# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
What is Targeting by Interests? Targeting by Interests is an effective tool in online advertising that allows advertisers to target ads to users based on their interests. This can be done using various means, including website cookie files, social media interactions, online activities, and even through standalone data sources. By…
सफलता पर दांव लगाएं: सट्टेबाजी की दुनिया में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सहबद्ध प्लेटफ़ॉर्म और ऑफ़र का चयन करें
सहबद्ध विपणन

सफलता पर दांव लगाएं: सट्टेबाजी की दुनिया में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सहबद्ध प्लेटफ़ॉर्म और ऑफ़र का चयन करें

अप्रैल 04, 2024

# आईगेमिंग# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण# वर्टिकल रुझान
While potential leads are betting on high-profile football matches or niche sports, affiliates are choosing which betting platform to bet their success on. With numerous brands competing for attention, the question isn’t just about joining the affiliate marketing bandwagon, but about making informed choices that set you up for a…
If Google Ads is Not Enough: the List of Mighty Alternatives

If Google Ads is Not Enough: the List of Mighty Alternatives

मार्च 03, 2024

# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
When it comes to online advertising, Google Ads is often the first port of call for many businesses, renowned for its vast reach and sophisticated targeting capabilities. However, the digital advertising sphere is brimming with alternatives that can complement or even enhance your marketing strategy. We aim to offer a…
March 2024: Targeting by keywords, New payment method, New API methods
विज्ञापन प्लेटफ़ॉर्म

March 2024: Targeting by keywords, New payment method, New API methods

मार्च 03, 2024

# हिलटॉपएड्स अपडेट# मुद्रीकरण उपकरण# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
This is our quarterly article with TOP HilltopAds updates for advertisers and publishers which will make your work even more profitable and convenient. For advertisers Targeting by keywords Now you can target your ads by keywords and boost your profit. This feature is the best tool for advertisers to show…
Redtrack: How to use Redtrack tracker with HilltopAds

Redtrack: How to use Redtrack tracker with HilltopAds

दिसम्बर 12, 2023

# पोस्टबैक गाइड# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
Why do you need another tracking platform? RedTrack is an advanced analytics and automation platform. With RedTrack you are able to receive real-time accurate conversion data from your marketing channels. As a marketer or executive, you are able to get unbiased performance insights, prevent ad waste, and scale revenue for…
RTB Marketing Review
सहबद्ध विपणन

RTB Marketing Review

नवम्बर 11, 2023

# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
Currently, the list of Internet marketing tools is constantly increasing. Display advertising is an effective tool for reaching a wide target audience. Flexible settings allow you to segment your audience by gender, age, interests, and other characteristics. With the help of media advertising, you can solve such problems as increasing…
AdsBridge: How to use AdsBridge tracker with HilltopAds

AdsBridge: How to use AdsBridge tracker with HilltopAds

10 अक्टूबर 2023

# पोस्टबैक गाइड# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
Why do you need another tracking platform? How do you choose which tracker to use for analyzing your campaign? Is it based on unique features that every tracking software can give or you just pick the most popular one and go with it? If so, then you definitely need to…
बेमोब: हिलटॉपएड्स के साथ बेमोब ट्रैकर का उपयोग कैसे करें

बेमोब: हिलटॉपएड्स के साथ बेमोब ट्रैकर का उपयोग कैसे करें

10 अक्टूबर 2023

# पोस्टबैक गाइड# विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उपकरण
आपको किसी दूसरे ट्रैकिंग प्लेटफ़ॉर्म की ज़रूरत क्यों है? आज हमारे पास बाज़ार में कई तरह के ट्रैकिंग प्लेटफ़ॉर्म उपलब्ध हैं। हर प्लेटफ़ॉर्म में अनूठी विशेषताएँ हैं। इसलिए ऐसा प्लेटफ़ॉर्म चुनना आसान है जो आपके अभियान के लक्ष्यों के लिए बिल्कुल उपयुक्त न हो। सभी लोकप्रिय ट्रैकिंग प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर गहन समीक्षा…