How to verify your website created on Hubspot?


Please note you need to have an admin access to a Hubspot website.

To verify your website please follow these steps:

Add a website to HilltopAds

  1. Go to the HilltopAds account.
  2. Go to the Manage Site & Zones section.
  3. Click on the button ADD SITE, specify a website domain and select a category - mainstream (if your site doesn't have any age restrictions) or non-mainstream (if your website contain 18+ content). Copy a meta tag.
For Blogspot sites only verification with Meta Tag is available.
How to add a website to HilltopAds

Add a meta tag to the Hubspot website

  1. Go to the editing page of your main website page or blog.
  2. Click on the Settings button, then scroll down until you see the Advanced options section.
  3. Clicking on this section will reveal a list where you can see a special field where you need to insert the copied meta tag.
  4. Insert the meta tag into the HTML of your website's homepage.
  5. Return to the HilltopAds account and click on the Verify button.
How to add a meta tag to a Hubspot website

After clicking, verification occurs automatically.

If this does not happen, then the following is possible:

  • the tag is inserted in the wrong place (insert the tag in the HTML code of the main page of your site before the </head> tag)
  • not all of the code was copied (copy and paste the code again)
  • sometimes technical problems are possible, so please write to the manager
Please be informed that the auto verification is unavailable for websites which link contains a CMS's platform domain (for example, In this case, you had better use a Direct/Smart Link for traffic monetization or contact your personal manager.
How to monetize a website using a Direct/Smart Link?
Use Direct Link if you work with websites created on CMS platforms that cannot be verified